Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Assignment #2: Supplies

For the 2010-2011 school year you will need the following supplies:

  • Several (at least 4) #2 pencils
  • A White, Pink or Kneaded Eraser
  • A 2 pocket folder
  • One 8 x 10 sketchbook,  unlined, preferably hardbound (please no larger than an 11 x 14) available at any Wal-Mart, Kmart, Dollar Store, Michael's, Craft Store, Art Store, etc.
  • Additional materials for projects may be needed throughout the year including paint chips, fabric samples, paper samples, etc. depending on the types of design decisions you make for projects
 ALL of your supplies are due September 21st for B class; September 23rd for D class. They will be counted as assignment #2.  Each item is worth 25 points, towards a total of 100 points.

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