Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scale Model Power Point and 1B Scale Model Questions

A) Turn in your completed concept board with rubric and reflection questions completed. 
B)Read through the presentation on scale models below and answer the questions in complete sentences on YOUR OWN BLOG IN A NEW POST. This is due next class along with the Posting homework assignment assigned last class and the second assignment listed under C. below
  1. What is a scale model?
  2. What are the two types of scale models?
  3. What are the advantages and limitations of a working scale model?
  4. What are the advantages and limitations of a professional/presentation model?
  5. What scale models are we going to make?
C) Email me your  blog's url (web address) at from your gmail account you created last class. For example, I would email to me to email my Functional Art blog.
D) Complete steps 1 and 2 on your scale model directions sheet using the thicker Bristol Board located on the cart.  Make sure to use your ruler and an X-acto knife to cut with. Scissors will leave you with uneven lines that will make it very difficult for you to do the next steps.

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